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Summer is here and the heat is on. Here’s presenting three natural mud masks to protect your skin this season.
by Rohit Soni

The skin is one of the most important organs of the body and everyone wants to have beautiful and healthy skin. A number of products are available in the market that claim to do wonders and make you beautiful. But instead of opting for a cosmetic product, why not go the natural way? Getting healthy and a beautiful skin is very easy if you use natural products, especially with the help of simple mud masks. These masks can help you get rid of a number of skin problems like acne, pimples, spots, aging etc.

Try these masks:

Anti-acne mask

One of the major problems that everyone faces is the problem of acne. No matter who you are or what your age is, the problem causes severe distress. Excessive oil and extreme dryness are the major reasons for acne breakouts, but you can get rid of the problem by using these masks.

For oily skin: Take some green clay, yogurt and rose water. Mix the clay powder and yogurt and add a few drops of rose water. Apply the mask to your face and let it set for about 20 minutes. Once the mask dries, use cold water to rinse it off.

For dry skin: Mix white clay powder, honey and rose water and apply over the face. Wash off after half an hour.

Anti-aging mask

The appearance of aging on the skin is enough to embarrass you. Several factors like nutritional deficiencies and a sedentary lifestyle may lead to aging, as also stress and pollution, but you can easily reduce aging marks with this mask.

Prepare a mask using sea clay powder, egg white, lemon juice, green tea extracts and rose water. Mix the clay and lemon juice, and add green tea extract and egg white. Add rose water last. Apply the mask to the face and wash off when dry. Use this mask regularly.

Fairness mud mask

Pollution, oil, dirt and exposure to sunlight can affect the beauty of your skin and make it skin look dull. Therefore it is advisable to use a fairness face mask that will restore your complexion.

Make a mask using green clay, mashed cucumber, mashed strawberry, milk and honey. Start by mixing the clay powder, honey and milk to make a smooth mixture. Next, add mashed cucumber and strawberry to the mixture. Apply this paste over your skin and allow it to set before you wash. Rinse it off using lukewarm water. Do this regularly to get clearer and fairer skin.

So girls, get ready to dazzle the world with your skin with these simple mud masks – without ever stepping out to buy a mask ever again.

Do you have a natural mud mask recipe? Tell us in the comments section below.

(Picture courtesy

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