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Soft and silky legs are what every girl wants to flaunt in cute skirts and sexy shorts during the summer. Follow these simple tips for the smooth legs you always wanted.
by Beverley Lewis

A lot of people advise against it, but shaving can actually get you the smooth skin you want, provided you do it right.

– The trick to shaving legs is to wet your skin and let it soften from the heat and moisture. When you shave in the shower, make sure that the water is warm and not very hot as this will dry out your skin.

– You cannot shave dry skin. Shaving is a natural exfoliater and if you try to dry shave, you run the risk of clogging up the razor with dead skin while putting yourself at risk for nicks and razor burn. Be sure to exfoliate your skin before shaving. It gets rid of all the dead skin cells.

– There are several ways to exfoliate. You can use exfoliating gloves or dry brush before you shower or use a mild scrub.

– Next, finding a razor that works well for your skin, given the pressure you use while shaving, the texture of your skin, and the density of hair growth, takes some experimentation. No single type of razor works well for everyone, though the newer triple blades seem to work wonders.

– After finding the one that works best for you, the main thing is to change the blade frequently—dull razors make for poor shaving results. There’s no need to waste your money on shaving creams formulated especially for women, they are virtually the same as the creams sold for men. Avoid shaving products that contain irritants (such as alcohol, menthol, and peppermint). Used over newly-shaved skin, irritating ingredients can cause red bumps and ingrown hairs.

– If you find yourself without shaving cream in the shower, use hair conditioner or body wash instead. This is far easier on the legs than shaving with a bar soap or bar cleanser. For best results, shave against the growth of hair using careful strokes and applying even pressure.

– After you’re done, apply moisturiser and remember, if your legs are going to be exposed to sun, apply a moisturiser with sunscreen (SPF 15 or greater) that contains the UVA-protecting ingredients avobenzone, titanium dioxide, or zinc oxide.

Beverley Lewis has worked with beauty magazines and has amazing tips to share. Have a beauty question? Send it to us at or tweet it @MetrognomeIndia and Beverley will answer it for you.

(Picture courtesy 

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