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It doesn’t take effort, just some common sense, to get the skin you always wanted. Here’s what you can do.

Today’s busy life leaves us with not much time to take intensive care of the skin. At the same time, an inevitable fact is that taking good care of your skin now will lead to a healthy and glowing skin for all the years to come. In addition, you could also delay your skin’s aging process by resorting to a healthy lifestyle and good skin care. Therefore, saving your precious time and cutting through your tight routine, here are the top five tips, if followed well will ensure your skin is at its healthy and radiant best.

Sun protection. Often ignored, though one of the most crucial ways to keep your skin protected from outbreaks and patchiness is protecting it against the harmful rays of the sun. Understand in the fact that over exposure to the sun’s rays causes wrinkles, age spots and many other skin-related problems. Some of the recommended precautions suggest by numerous skin specialists are:

Use a sunscreen – Use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15. In case of a long outdoor or relaxing by the pool, make sure to reapply the same after every two hours.

Space with shade – A little too much to ask for when on a vacation; however, as far as possible, try to stay out of the sun between 10 am to 4 pm, which is considered the harshest time of the Sun’s rays.

Cover up – Vacationing or not, get yourself well-covered up before stepping your foot in the sun. Consider dressing in long sleeves, long trousers and hats; if you are concerned about a fashion failure.

Stub the habit. A known fact is that smoking causes your skin to appear older than it really is. This, in other words, means that with every cigarette you puff, you tend to increase the chances of getting wrinkled skin. This ill habit also contributes to the depletion of oxygen and essential nutrients to your skin, reducing its good health and elasticity.

Gentle care. You need to understand that frequently cleansing and shaving your skin could take a toll on it for the worse. Here’s how you could add a gentle touch of radiance to your skin:

Reduce your bathing time – Taking a long hot water shower tends to extract all the essential oils from your skin, making it appear dry and flaky. What’s the solution? Reduce your bath time and shower with warm water instead of hot water.

Don’t use strong soaps – We all love fragrant and refreshing soap. However, did you know that strong soaps can strip crucial oils from your skin? In addition, changing your soap is soapamong the first five steps in any acne treatment, as it is advised by many skin experts.

Shave lightly – It is vital for you to protect your skin, and shaving works the other way around. Therefore, it is recommended that you lubricate and protect your skin by making use of a lotion or shaving gel. Also, ensure that the razor you use is clean and sharp.

Along with the above-mentioned tips, you should also make it a habit to follow a healthy diet to help you look and feel your best. Lastly, ensure to manage your stress well, as that too triggers unwanted acne breakouts and discoloration of the skin.

(Pictures courtesy,,

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