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Associations of senior citizens threaten to tell their 1 crore members to exercise NOTA option if their demands are unmet.
by The Editors |

Though they are not considered to be a part of mainstream society – and hence, there are not many policies implemented or infrastructure devised to suit their needs – but when one thinks about it, senior citizens form a considerable part of the country’s population.

And if this population decides to hit back at the Government, there is the potential to do some serious harm.

NOTAKeeping this in mind, the office bearers of several notable senior citizen associations in the country recently met to press for long-pending demands. All India Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON), Federation of Senior Citizens Confederation of Maharashtra (FESCOM), Association of Senior Citizens Organisation of Pune (ASCOP), HelpAge India and the International Longevity Centre (ILC) were a part of the meeting.

Seeing the apathy of the Government with regard to senior citizens’ issues, especially, with reference to the changing of the age definition of senior citizens from 60 to 65 years, a resolution was passed at this meeting. It was decided that 10 per cent of seniors would use the NOTA option for voting this election if their demand to lower this age limit is not met at the earliest,” said Anjali Raje, Executive Director, ILC.

She added, “When we realise that 10 per cent of the total population translates in to nearly 20 per cent of the voting population, this makes a big difference and when this big vote bank does not vote for any particular party, but uses the NOTA option, then the [political] parties would be the ones impacted.”

As per a resolution passed during the meeting, “The Government of Maharashtra has not allocated any amount in the State Budget for 2014-2015. The Action Group therefore recommends that 10 per cent of the total budget allocated to the Department of Social Justice, Government of Maharashtra, be spent for senior citizens.” If the Government fails to meet these demands, the Action Group will ask its members – numbering over 1 crore in the country – to exercise the NOTA option while casting their vote this election.
Do you think it is fair to influence members of senior citizen associations on the issue of casting their votes for political parties or using the NOTA option? Tell us in the comments section below.
(Picture courtesy,


  • Namit Kakkar says:

    Senior citizens should urgently press for this basic demand…its there right!! But i feel it is a little late now to ask the govt to do anythng…because elections are just round the corner..

  • M.V.Ruparelia says:

    Maharashtra Govt deserves shock treatment.Even when Bombay High Court has
    directed to give reply to our representation against fixing 65 age as definitionof senior citizens of Maharashtra, the State is not bothering about Courts orders and not giving any reply!!

  • M.V.Ruparelia says:

    In para 23 of their 39th Report of February, 14, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Justice & Empowerment has expressed their surprise on Ministry of Civil Aviation giving concession in air fare to those, who have completed 63 years! They have brought out that the Maintenance & Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 defines Senior Citizen as a person of 60 years of age and this being mandatory act, all must follow this definition. They have directed Ministry of Social Justice to issue mandatory instructions in this regard.

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