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In a workshop, doctors from France demonstrate a new but expensive egg freezing technique that is a must-follow in Europe.
by The Editors |

India is home to over 30,000 egg and embryo freezing procedures every year, as per research figures. As more and more hospitals and clinics offer egg and embryo freezing options to women today, it is natural that the latest technologies in the area be put to use.

Recently, two doctors from France demonstrated the use of a cutting-edge technology in egg freezing at Delhi’s ISIS IVF Hospital. They presided over a workshop of over 35 Indian doctors from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, who had all turned up to see a demonstration of the ‘High Security Vitrification’ process by the French embyologists.

It turns out that the technology is a must-follow in Europe if a clinic wants a CE certification, and is already used by most clinics there. “During freezing in the current systems, there is a risk that liquid nitrogen can come in contact with the embryos and this could compromise the safety of the embryos. In the High Security Vitrification system, the ends of the straw in which the embryo is placed are sealed and closed so that liquid nitrogen doesn’t come in direct contact with the embryos. This will increase the cost of the procedure and depending on case to case basis cost could be Rs 10,000 more per patient,” explained Dr Shivani Gour, Director, Isis Hospital.

Doctors also said that the risk of damage to precious gametes and also the risk of infection in this high security system is next to nil. “The shelf life is approximately eight weeks, which is longer than conventional media,” said Dr Jean Louis.

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