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After a week of pleasant morning weather and night-time chills, the temperature’s rising in Mumbai. Warm weather will persist awhile.

It’s probably true what they say about Mumbai never really being very cold. However, last week and the beginning of this one brought a welcome respite both from this notion and hot mornings. Mumbai began its mornings in a cool breeze, and went to bed with the mercury dipping to as low as 15 Degrees Celsius.

For the last two days, however, the heat is on. The cold winds from the North that had made Mumbai’s weather such a delight to be in a few days ago, have all but disappeared, and have been replaced by warm easterly winds. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) contends that these warm winds have combined with low humidity levels to make temperatures in the city rise to as much as 35 Degree Celsius. Minimum temperatures recorded have been in the 24 to 22 Degree Celsius range.

What’s more, the temperatures are expected to be in the higher range this weekend, after which, another wave of cold winds may hit the city.

(Picture courtesy


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