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Temperatures to touch almost 40 Degrees Celsius today. Seesaw weather pattern continues, with 20 Degrees deflection in minimum, maximum temperatures.

You are right in thinking that the current weather has breached all levels of crazy. It’s very hot in the day and unexpectedly cool in the night. Today is just the fourth day of March 2013, and in these four days, the city’s experienced some terrific highs and lows in temperature.

Just yesterday, the maximum temperature touched the 39 Degrees Celsius mark – making it the third consecutive hottest March day for Mumbai ever – and dipped to 16.2 Degrees Celsius in the night. Today, too, the same pattern is expected to continue. In fact, the Indian Meteorological Centre (IMD) Mumbai anticipates that the maximum temperature may touch 40 Degrees while the minimum may dip to 14 Degrees, both large departures from the normal March temperatures of 33 Degrees Celsius (maximum) and 20 Degrees Celsius (minimum).

According to VK Rajeev, Director, IMD (Western region), the temperatures have risen because of an ‘anti-cyclone’ formation over the North-East Arabian Sea. For the uninitiated, an anti-cyclone is an area where high pressure winds flow in clockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere and in the anti-clockwise direction in the Southern hemisphere, thus causing temperatures to rise. Humidity levels are also affected.

(Picture courtesy

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