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Rahaab Allana will give a talk today on the context and meaning of photographs in the absence of their creators.
by Medha Kulkarni

The Dr Bhau Daji Lad Museum, famed for its education programmes and talks for the public, is organising a lecture on ‘The Afterlife of Images’ by Rahaab Allana (in featured image above), curator of the Alkazi Foundation, today.

Exhibitions of photography have been understood in terms of the imperial, modern and post-colonial, and hence have been part of a collective enterprise, representing the complexities between past and present. Even the photographer’s subjectivity is questioned, together with the camera’s ‘framing’ of time: its ability to reveal, censor, alter and re-orient.

But how are these understood when dealing with images whose authors no longer exist? Allana aims to look at archives and its afterlife, where this depth of field haunts the photographs that have no living author. These photographs are often viewed as timeless: a world in which the temporal, spatial and historical form ephemeral links and express the fraught relationship between the personal, self-conscious and the aesthetic. Photography to this extent signifies a complex system: art-practice, visual mode, a process, a tool and hence, an absorbing, malleable means of representation. Allana’s talk will be a reflection through exhibitions curated and assisted by the Alkazi Foundation.

Rahaab Allana is Curator of the Alkazi Foundation for the Arts, New Delhi, where he has curated and co-curated exhibitions with essays over the last four years. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society in London.

If you want to attend the talk, do RSVP via email to as seating is limited. Entry is free.

(Featured image courtesy  

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