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City-based breakup helpline ‘insures’ your relationship during troubled times for a fee; a counsellor will set you right in days.
by The Editors |

Whenever there’s trouble brewing in our relationship, all we want is something to make it work and set it right again. If you’re really invested in the relationship, you want to repair the cracks in it before everything goes awry.

The city-based Breakup Helpline, founded a year ago by four Mumbai residents to help people across the country tide over the heartbreak of a breakup, is now going a step ahead in its initiatives. The Helpline is now offering ‘insurance’ for a limited period, during which a counsellor will help you resolve your relationship blues.

The Breakup Helpline is the world’s first website offering help during the breakup phase. “We inevitably have ego issues with our partner, fights when we are together and the question eventually pops up in our minds: ‘Is the relationship worth it?'”, says Ankit (in pic onAnkit from the Breakup Helpline left), one of the founders of the helpline. “Sometimes, at that point of time, you don’t really have the power to think straight. Suddenly you begin to act suspicious, come up with imaginary situations and block your mind with stupid thoughts. So we thought, why not bring you Breakup Insurance? We help you protect your relationship and guide you to do the logical thing.”

For a fee of Rs 1,000, the troubled person will get a unique ‘key’ that can be used for seven days. During that time, a counsellor will be available at all times to help out during the rough phase. “You have to register on our helpline and say that you want breakup insurance,” Ankit explains. “Once the package fee is paid, the person gets unbiased, round-the-clock advice on setting things right.”

For more details, email or call +91-98338 31984.

(Pictures courtesy,

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