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What’s awesome about a cosmopolitan city is that there are several occasions to celebrate – this week, there are six!
by The Editors |

It’s safe to say that Mumbai has been in celebration mode since yesterday, Sunday, April 13. Or at least, Punjabis and Oriyas have started the celebrations – the harvest festival Baisakhi was celebrated yesterday, on Sunday, and the Oriyan New Year, Bishubh Sankranti, also began yesterday.

Other communities to celebrate the start of new years and harvest festivals are Bengalis, Malayalis, Tamilians, and Assamese.

The Bengali New Year, Poila Baisakh, falls on April 15 this year. Likewise, the Assamese will usher in their new year, Rongali Bihu, on the same day.

The Malayalis will usher in Vishu Kani on Tuesday, April 15. As per the Malayali calendar, the New Year starts on the first day of Chingam, but people in the Malabar area consider Vishu as the astrological New Year.  The term ‘Vishu Kani’ refers to the sighting of an auspicious item or symbol at dawn on Vishu day, thereby ensuring that the entire year is auspicious and peaceful. It is a day of much feasting, with food traditionally balanced between equal proportions of salty, sweet, sour and bitter items.

Meanwhile, Tamilians will celebrate Puthandu today, on April 14 this year. Puthandu is also celebrated in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Mauritius. Traditionally, a tray comprising a mirror, flowers, three fruits, betel leaves and jewellery is placed in a suitable corner of the home on Puthandu eve, and viewed first thing in the morning on the New Year day. This is said to set the tone for the rest of the year.

Enjoy the festivities, Mumbai!

(Picture courtesy Image used for representational purpose only)

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