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This dance performance addresses the issue of sweat shops and why boycotting their products is not such a good idea.
by The Editors |

This evening, be prepared to take a look at ‘sweat shops’ through a mesmerising dance performance.

Titled ‘Made in Bangladesh’, the dance is choreographed by Helena Waldmann and Vikram Iyengar, with music set by Daniel Dorsch and Hans Narva. The performance is based on the theme ‘Dance and Exploitation’, and explores the notorious world of the garment industry and the supposedly legitimate artistic ‘sweat shop’ of a dance studio – both dancers and seamstresses work at the expense of their health, fobbed off with low wages and at constant risk of losing their jobs to someone even younger, even more flexible. And yet, still both industries urgently ask us all not to boycott their products.

Head to the Jamshed Bhabha Theatre, NCPA this evening at 7 pm. Free entry passes are available at the NCPA and Max Mueller Bhavan, Mumbai.

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