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We present 3 simple tips on acing your next video conferencing meeting – read on to know what they are.
by The Metrognome Team |

Technology has advanced so much in recent years that it has even made a significant impact on the way professionals operate. To a large extent, it has made things relatively easier for them; for instance, with AV equipment used in video conferencing. Apart from reducing the expenses and time required to travel for business meetings, video calling has also been said to propagate healthy relationships and communication between business partners.

Video calls with the use of AV equipment have now made it so that you can conduct your business in the privacy of your home conveniently.

Increase in efficiency and productivity can also be said to be a by-product and advantage of using AV equipment in this case. The time that would have been used to travel can be applied to doing more resourceful tasks.

Video conferencing is not foolproof, however. No matter what AV equipment used, video calls just like in face-to-face meetings can present some challenges that have to be curbed or checked to make sure the meeting runs well. Here are some tips to ensure that your video call goes smoothly.

#1 Make sure everything is in place before the video call starts

Double check and triple check your AV equipment, check the network connection, check the video conferencing software you plan on using during the meeting, test run the sound and audio prior to when the meeting starts. Check for lighting, check to make sure the conference room or wherever the meeting is holding speaks of professionalism, provide alternate measures in case something goes wrong. This would help you get adequately prepared and save a lot of time and potential embarrassment.

#2 Have an agenda or plan to follow during the meeting

A meeting done via video conferencing is not any different from face-to-face meetings and as such should not differ. You still have to plan well ahead and have an agenda that covers everything you would want to say. This would prevent awkward silences halfway through the meeting and save you the embarrassment of long pauses.

#3 Dress for the meeting

That it is a video conference doesn’t make it less of a professional meeting. Apart from making sure all the AV equipment is fully functional and are in good working condition, you also have to make sure that you and the other participants are dressed accordingly for the meeting. The impression you make during the course of the meeting is important and you should strive to make a very good one. Appear professional; be neat and coordinated.

Video calls are now the new rave; every organisation is making use of AV equipment and conducting their business via video conferencing. Making sure your workers or colleagues are well prepared for meetings and can handle the equipment in your absence would also go a long way in ensuring your video calls go smoothly. Keep the above-mentioned tips in mind and it is sure to help increase the efficiency of the conference meeting and also help to avoid any unpleasant situation.

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