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Jazz concert this evening will not just present musicians from Manhattan, but will also talk about the history of jazz.
by The Editors |

Delhi has the chance to get all jazzy this evening, Sunday, August 9.

Jazzaddicts bring to the national capital an evening of jazz with a ‘Back to the future’ concert headlined by Rajeev Raja (Jazz and fusion flautist) accompanied by international jazz musicians, all the way from Manhattan, New York. The concert is being organised at Qla, Delhi today, August 9, 2015. Jazzaddicts in an attempt to revive the original sounds of Jazz (sounds of foot stomping, swinging Jazz music) to which one can dance and snap one’s fingers.

This concert will combine performance with presentation, with a power point presentation that outlines the evolution of jazz from its beginning to the modern days live on stage. Rajeev Raja will present the history of jazz using a laptop and a giant screen. Meanwhile, the Manhattan musicians will perform jazz music from different eras. A band member said, “We are indebted to Jazz for the impact it has had on our development as musicians. The least we can do is spread awareness of this sublime form of music.”

Their most recent performance was to a packed house at the NCPA Experimental theatre in Mumbai. It took the audience by storm, as it was both incredibly informative and widely entertaining.

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