
Must-haves for hair and skin

Here’s presenting a list of some mandatory hair and skin essentials that you must include in your daily beauty regime.
by Deepa Mistry

Do you tend to forget about taking care of your skin and hair, in the chaos of your busy life? Just a little extra care and planning will help you maintain healthy hair and skin every day. To help you make it easy, we bring you a basic beauty essentials checklist that you can refer to on a day-to-day basis.

For the skin:

aloe vera gelAloe gel: Aloe vera has massive amounts of beneficial properties, and has been used over the years for healing skin allergies, hair problems, insect bites etc. Aloe gel helps soothe pain and rejuvenate skin cells. Aloe vera gel can be used directly or combined with your skin cream for smooth and moisturised skin. Aloe gel applied for 20 minutes on the scalp helps reduce dryness and itchiness in your hair, giving you silky hair after each wash.

Moisturiser:  Even though Mumbai weather is humid, we tend to avoid applying moisturiser as it makes skin oily. But skipping the moisturiser dehydrates the skin. A good amount of moisturiser used on a daily basis is very essential as it will revive dry and dull skin. Apply a deep-hydrating moisturiser every night before going to bed. During the day, apply a light moisturiser before sunscreen if you have dry skin.

Sunscreen: No matter what the weather, exposure to the sun is common while outdoor. Sunscreen is a must every day, use sunscreen with minimum SPF of 30 and remember to reapply every three hours.

Lip balms: A must-have for every girl. A good lip balm is the best solution for chapped lips; also add a subtle lip gloss for shine and whichlip balm will help the balm stay on longer and more effectively. You should ideally opt for one with a mild SPF to protect lips from harmful UV rays that may tan your lips.

Wet wipes: Most of us are outdoors in the day. Our skin tends to pick up a lot of dust and grime. A pack of wet wipes is the handiest tool for each one to cleanse the face from time to time. These days, wet wipes come with various properties like cooling, moisturising, deep-cleansing, make-up removing etc. Pick the best suited to your need and skin type.

For hair:

Shampoo and conditioner suitable for the weather: Weather change can wreak havoc on your hair, which none of us would like, so ditch your regular brand and go with a shampoo and conditioner that best suits your hair in that particular weather.

hair careStyling products: We would insist on using as little hair styling products as possible, as they damage your hair a lot. But there are times when you might have to style your hair for a party or a wedding, or may be your latest funky hair cut requires daily styling. At such times, use products with mild chemicals. If you intend to blow dry or iron your hair, make sure you apply a hot styling product for heat protection, extra smoothness and shine.

Hair serum: A lightweight serum will help you maintain shine and control frizz. The second advantage is, it can also double up as a leave-in conditioner. Use a dollop twice a week on either dry or wet hair to maintain those beautiful locks.

Do you have a beauty tip to share, or a question to ask? Ask your question in the comments section below or write to and Deepa will answer it for you.

(Pictures courtesy,,,


Quick beauty fixes for the summer

Coffee for cellulite and kosher salt for rough hands…our beauty writer’s got DIY fixes for skin as the heat advances.
by Beverley Lewis

I may not have all the answers to all of life’s problems, but there’s one thing I’m fairly certain of: if there’s a natural solution to remedy a beauty conundrum, I will definitely give it a go. In my experience, natural home beauty remedies tend to be more effective than over-the-counter beauty products and they are very cost-effective.

I’ve put together a quick reference guide of five of my favourite DIY home beauty remedies. Follow them and glow this summer!

Apple cheeks

Apples are full of powerful compounds like malic acid that can have a great effect on your skin. Malic acid is a fruit acid, or an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), which means it works as a gentle exfoliator to reveal smooth, glowing skin. Slice an apple very thinly. Place the slices on the face and leave it on for 15 minutes. These soak up the extra oil and also help close pores.

Smooth operator

Exfoliating your skin regularly should be a mandatory part of your beauty regimen. You need to remove dead skin cells, toxins, and other deposits on your skin which could dull your complexion and lead to blemishes.

Good news is, you don’t need expensive scrubs and exfoliants to get glowing skin. There are several ingredients you can use to make your own exfoliating mask at home.

Try my favourite: salt or sugar body scrub. To make it, pour ¼ cup table salt or granulated sugar into a small bowl or container. Pour olive oil into the container until it covers the salt. Stir the mixture. Rub the scrub all over your body and into your skin. Rinse thoroughly, and you are left with a smooth glowing complexion.

Cellulite, be gone!

Stop cellulite in its tracks with this DIY, spa-like method. With the heat making us all reach out for our light cotton dresses and hats, why should cellulite stop you from flaunting your perfectly toned pins in a tiny pair of shorts?

Try this: warm ¼ cup of freshly-ground coffee beans with two tablespoons of olive oil in the microwave for 10 seconds. Next, stand on a large sheet of plastic or paper and smear this mixture over the affected area, then tightly wrap yourself in saran wrap (what is saran wrap?).

Leave this on for about 20 minutes, then remove the wrap, wash the area and using a natural bristle body brush, massage the area with brisk, upwards strokes. Follow this remedy for six weeks and you will notice a considerable difference.

Get polished

Chipped polish and ragged nails got you down? Get compliment-worthy hands at home with these tips: cut and file nails to your length of choice. As for shape, there are two main options: square or rounded. Next, soak your hands in a bowl of warm water for five minutes. Add two tablespoons of a bath powder or your favourite liquid soap to soften nails. Make sure the water’s not too hot or it will dry out your hands and nails. Then, apply cuticle oil or lotion on dry hands to nourish and soften rough spots.

Follow this with a cuticle stick to press cuticles back so they don’t get in the way of the polish. After this, exfoliate hands with a body scrub or homemade mixture of olive oil and kosher salt or raw sugar. Scrub for two to three minutes, then wash thoroughly. Follow this with a rich moisturiser. And the final step: apply a base coat first, then apply two thin coats of polish.

Puff pastry

“You look tired…” Ah. Those dreaded three words no woman wants to hear. But fret no more, try these natural solutions and you’ll be struttin’ around, wide-awake in no time.

– Place cotton balls soaked in milk under your eyes for a few minutes. The lactic acid in the milk helps reduce puffiness and dark circiles.

– Freeze a couple of spoons over night. In the morning, rest them on your eyes until they are not cold any longer. If you do this every morning, you will see a big difference in about two weeks.

– Slice one small piece off of a potato, and cut the slice in half. Put each slice under your eyes and leave it under your eyes for 20 minutes.

– Place two thin lemon slices directly onto your bags or circles. Don’t squeeze your eyes tightly but be careful not to open. After 20 minutes carefully rinse off with cold water.

Have a beauty question? Send it to us as or tweet it to us at @MetrognomeIndia and Beverley will answer it for you.

(Pictures courtesy,


Sun-proof your skin

There’s a nip in the air, but your skin still needs to be protected from the sun. Follow our easy skincare guide.
by Kavya Kolli

You can always count on the heat to test your survival skills in Mumbai. Every day before stepping out, you have to wonder to what degree of melting you will be subject to. Whilst indoors, we shamelessly plonk ourselves right under or next to the AC vents. But the humidity outside and the shift to a cool and dry temperature indoors takes a heavy toll on skin.

After soaring temperatures last week, this week we’re looking at dry, cool air in the night and dry heat in the day. Even ordinarily dry skin turns oily with these weather changes, feeling sticky and dirty. By the end of the day, your face feels like a canvas, painted with the city’s dust and pollution.

Protect your skin

First and foremost is protecting your skin from the sun. A good sunscreen is extremely important and must be a part of your beauty regime throughout the year. A good SPF (sun protection factor) of 15 and above is what you will require to combat the side effects of sun exposure on your skin. Even if your routine has you mostly indoors, sunscreen is essential because your skin is still exposed to UV rays. Sunscreen lotions tend to feel oily and sticky once applied, so it’s important to find one that doesn’t feel like a layer of oil on your skin and is absorbed well. A well-known skin or beauty brand will have one that suits you.

Nowadays, a lot of body lotions and moisturisers also come with SPF, which is ideal since we do end up exposing our arms and legs also to the sun.

Using a good cleanser is another vital part of skin care. The pores on our skin enlarge with heat so the amount of dust your skin accumulates is unimaginable. Plus the humidity makes the skin oily, making it that much easier for skin problems like acne and blackheads to arise. So at the end of the day, a good cleanser must be used to wipe off all the dirt and grime for your skin. The heat makes almost every skin type oily, so a gel-based cleanser will work well. If you find it too drying, you can go for a foaming cleanser or cleansing lotion that isn’t too rich or heavy in texture.

Cleansing should ideally be followed up by toning. A facial toner will soothe your skin and tighten the pores. An alcohol-free toner is preferable because alcohol can excessively dry out your skin. Rose water happens to be an excellent all-natural toner. You can even try freezing rose water in an ice tray and rubbing a cube all over your skin. It feels heavenly in such weather.

While we cannot avoid the use of a certain number of products to maintain good skin, we also need to realise that these cleansing products do take away some of the skin’s natural moisture. So it’s important to moisturise skin daily and keep it well hydrated. Drinking lots of water goes a long way and the rest, a good day cream for your face will help with. Again, choose one with your skin type in mind.

Keep in mind, that while using a moisturiser and sunscreen, the moisturiser goes on first and then the sunscreen. You can even apply makeup over the sunscreen.

You will also find day creams with SPF which can be an alternative to applying a face cream and sunscreen separately.

While picking out soaps, face washes or shower gels, opt for ones with aloe vera or honey in them because they help soothe skin from the heat. Even ones that have fruit essences like citrus fruits, strawberries, peaches, melons etc will refresh your skin.

Adding few drops of essential oils like tea tree to your bath water will have a cooling and relaxing effect on skin. It  smells great and is also a disinfectant, so it’ll protect you from prickly heat.

While maintaining a healthy beauty regimen, your diet must also be equally healthy. Include lots of fresh fruit and veggies in your meals and stay away from oily food. And because this weather is dehydrating, make sure to drink lots of water throughout the day.

Kavya Kolli is a Mumbai-based fashion stylist and avid writer, with an obsessive interest in fashion and beauty.


(Pictures courtesy and Kavya Kolli)


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