
5 exercises for excellent calf muscles

Ditch your power walks and zumba classes that exhaust you – do these five exercises for the most shapely calves ever.
by Beverley Lewis

You don’t need to spend hours at the gym trying to work on your calf muscles. You simply need to spend about 15 minutes exercising this muscle, three times a week to get shapely calves.

So without further ado, here are our top 5 calf workouts.

Double leg calf raiseThe double-leg calf raise. This particular exercise uses one’s body weight to strengthen and tone the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles or calf muscles.

Begin by standing next to a wall. This is to help you with balance.

Now place your feet hip-width apart. Next, press down onto the balls of both feet and raise your body upward, making sure that your abdominal muscles are pulled in tightly. Hold this position for a few seconds and then go back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions each.

When you get fitter you can add different variations such as using a stepper and holding a dumbbell between your hands while performing this exercise.

Single-leg calf raises. Stand on one leg near a wall for balance with the other leg bent behind. Now, position your toes and the balls of your feet on an elevation like a stepper or a stair, making sure that your heels and arches are off the stepper or stair.

In order to balance yourself, place your hands on the wall. Lift one leg and place it against the leg which is on the stepper or stair.

Now begin raising your leg up and down. This particular exercise works the calf muscles. Do 15 repetitions and then switch legs.

Seated calf-raise. The seated calf raise exercise places emphasis on the soleus muscle, which consists of slow twitch muscle fibres. Begin by sitting on a boxSeated calf raise or a bench, making sure your feet are flat on the floor.

Now, flex your calves as high as possible before returning back to the starting position. Make sure to squeeze your calves at the peak extension of the movement, making sure that you perform this movement slowly, before returning to the starting position.

Walking and hiking. These are excellent calf-strengthening exercises, especially if you go uphill. Remember, the steeper the climb, the more strain on your calf muscles.

Swimming. This is another great exercise to get toned and shapely calves. This is because swimming works the calf muscles along with the rest of the legs muscles. Also, because it is low-impact, it’s a safe way to strengthen calf muscles, especially if you are overweight or are recovering from an injury.

Need more help? Watch this: 

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Tame your bad breath

Bad breath can happen to anybody, so use a few tips and tricks to ensure you don’t suffer from it.
by Beverley Lewis

Ever been in a situation, when you were trying to talk to someone and they were trying to avoid you by looking in another direction and wrinkling their noses, all because you have the breath of a dragon that lunched on an entire pod of garlic? Let’s face it, bad breath is very undesirable, uncomfortable, and can certainly ruin our day. But fortunately, these fixes will help tame your bad breath or halitosis.

rinse mouth with waterHydrate. A dry mouth is a haven for bacteria that causes bad breath. So, swish water around in your mouth. Water will temporarily dislodge bacteria and make your breath a bit more palatable. At the end of a leisurely lunch or romantic dinner, munch the sprig of parsley that’s left on your plate. Parsley is rich in chlorophyll, a known breath deodoriser with germ-fighting qualities.

Oranges will kill it. If you can get your hands on an orange, peel and eat it. The citric acid it contains will stimulate your salivary glands and encourage the flow of breath-freshening saliva. If there are no oranges in sight, eat whatever is available, except known breath-foulers like garlic, onions or a stinky cheese. Eating encourages the flow of saliva, which helps remove the unpleasant, odour-causing material on the back of your tongue.

Scrape the tongue. Vigorously scrape your tongue over your teeth. Your tongue can become coated with bacteria that ferment proteins, producing gases that smell bad. Scraping your tongue can dislodge these bacteria so you can rinse them away. If you have a metal or plastic spoon, use it as a tongue scraper. To scrape safely, place the spoon on the back of your tongue and drag it forward. Repeat four or five times. Scrape the sides of the tongue as well, with the same back-to-front motion. Don’t push the spoon too far back, however, you may activate your gag reflex.

Raid the pantry. Cloves are rich in eugenol, a potent antibacterial. Simply pop one into your mouth and dent it with your teeth. The pungent aromatic oil may burn slightly, so keep clovesthat spicy nub moving. Continue to bite until the essence permeates your mouth, then spit it out. Don’t use clove oil or powdered cloves; they’re too strong and can cause burns.

Seed it. Chew on fennel, cardamom, or anise seeds. Anise is known to kill the bacteria that grow on the tongue. The others can help mask the odour of halitosis or bad breath. Or you can suck on a stick of cinnamon. Like cloves, cinnamon is effective as an antiseptic.

Some more tips and tricks:
– Use a toothpaste that contains tea-tree oil, a natural disinfectant.
– Use an oral irrigator, which is a handheld device that rapidly pulses a small jet of water into your mouth, to flush out the bad bacteria, which can go deeper than a brush or floss stringtoothbrush can reach.
– Carry a toothbrush with you and brush immediately after every meal. With prompt brushing, you thwart the development of plaque, the soft, sticky film that coats the teeth and gums.
– To keep your toothbrush free of stink-triggering bacteria, store it, head down, in a lidded plastic tumbler of hydrogen peroxide. Rinse the brush well before you use it.
– If you wear dentures, it’s possible that they are absorbing the bad odours in your mouth. Always soak them overnight in an antiseptic solution, unless your dentist has advised you otherwise.
– Don’t skip meals. When you don’t eat for a long period of time, your mouth can get very dry. It becomes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
Some things can sour your breath even if there are no bacteria in the neighbourhood. These include cigarettes, alcohol, onions, garlic and especially strong cheeses like Camembert, Roquefort, and blue cheese. In situations where sweet breath is a must, use the commonsense approach—just say no.

With inputs from Devki Wakefield, Holistic Practitioner, Westchester, New York.


Five diseases your pet can give you

Our pets give us love – and skin diseases and other infections. Here’s how to protect yourself against five maladies.
by Beverley Lewis

We love them, cuddle with them and treat them like family. And these cuddly, furry creatures reciprocate in kind by showering us with unconditional love and affection. They lick our hands and faces when we are feeling low and offer us a friendly paw in greeting. But these furry bundles of joy are also carriers of germs that they unknowingly pass on to us, leading to skin rashes and infections. Here’s a list of five skin infections you can get from your beloved pets, and steps you can take to prevent them.

hookwormHookworm: It is primarily transmitted from animal faeces, dirt, or contaminated soil. Humans pick up the eggs or larvae on their skin from contaminated soil when walking barefoot in parks and gardens frequented by animals. Puppies and kittens can acquire hookworm from their mother’s milk. If the nursing mum has an infestation, this is then passed on to human beings.

Hookworm larvae have the ability to penetrate human skin and a rash forms on the skin where the larva enters. The most common area for a rash is on the feet of a person who has walked barefoot in sand or soil containing hookworm larva. It is also possible to acquire a hookworm skin infection in the form of a ‘travelling rash,’ where you’ve possibly been exposed to contaminated soil and have a mysterious rash moving around on your skin. It can also cause serve coughing, chest pain, wheezing, fever, epigastric pains, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrohoea can occur early or in later stages as well, although gastrointestinal symptoms tend to improve with time. Signs of advanced severe infection are anaemia and protein deficiency, including emaciation, cardiac failure and abdominal distension.

Roundworms: They are large and spaghetti-like in appearance. And they can create a full-blown infestation in your pet before you are even aware of their existence. By the time you see signs of roundworms in your dog’s or cat’s faeces or vomit, he’s overrun with them.

Don’t count on seeing roundworms or hookworms to alert you to an infestation. If you suspect your pet has been exposed, you should collect a stool sample and drop it by your vet’s office for an analysis. Your pet will typically acquire a roundworm problem by eating infected faeces. The infection can also be passed from a female to her unborn puppies or kittens across the placenta. The babies develop their own infection while still in the uterus and are born with roundworm.

Roundworm infections in people are most commonly transmitted through ingestion of contaminated soil. For example, if you pull vegetables from your garden and don’t wash them thoroughly, you could ingest soil that is contaminated with roundworm eggs. Because humans are not the perfect host for roundworms, they tend to travel through the body and create problems like organ inflammation. In fact, they are known to migrate through the eyes of small children. It is not uncommon for an eye doctor to discover roundworm larva at the back of a child’s eye.

Obviously, it’s very important that puppies and kittens be de-wormed if they are carrying a worm parasite like hook or roundworm. An infected pet new to your family creates an unacceptable potential for exposure – especially when it comes to young children.

Toxoplasmosis: This is a zoonotic disease any warm-blooded vertebrate can acquire, however, infections are most common in cats and humans. Most at risk are pregnant women taxoplasmosisand people who are immunosuppressed. For example, an AIDS patient runs a much greater risk of acquiring a toxoplasmosis infection than a person with a healthy immune system. Children are also at higher risk.

If you are pregnant, avoid cleaning your cat’s litter box. If you feed your pet a raw food diet, freeze fresh meat for three days to kill off any toxoplasmosis living in the tissues. This will make the meat safer for you to handle and healthy for your pet to eat.

Lyme disease: This is a vector-borne illness; a vector is the vehicle of transmission, in this case it is the Ixodes tick, also known as the deer tick or the black-legged tick. The tick transmits the Lyme organism to a dog or a person and both can become infected.

Acute Lyme disease causes fever and lethargy. People also tend to get rashes, and dogs tend to develop transient amenesia along with the other symptoms. Chronic Lyme infection in people can lead to polyarthritis, an immune-mediated degenerative disease, which can lead to kidney disease.

scabies on the handScabies: This is caused by tiny spiderlike mites that are transmitted through contaminated grooming equipment and kennels. Scabies will cause your pet to scratch and bite at its skin. The severe itching is caused by female mites tunnelling a few millimetres under the skin to lay their eggs. The eggs hatch in three to 10 days. The immature mites develop into adults and begin to lay eggs of their own.

The entire life cycle occurs on the dog’s skin, and takes just 17 to 21 days. When transferred to humans, it can produce an itchy rash around the belt line. Scabies mites, however, do not live on human skin for longer than three weeks. If the problem does not disappear in three weeks, look for a continuing source of infestation.

Stay parasite-free
– Wash all vegetables thoroughly before you serve them to any family member, human or pet.
– If you garden, wear shoes and gardening gloves. Wash your hands and other exposed skin if you come in contact with soil.
– Practice good tick protection. Do regular tick checks on your kids and your pets. If necessary, use safe tick repellents to prevent tick attachment.

With inputs from dermatologist Dr Poonam Wadwani, D&T Medical Centre, Mumbai.

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Lip service

Soft, healthy pink lips lend a fresh look to your face. If you’re looking for juicy, luscious lips, read on.
by Beverley Lewis

Generally, when we meet someone, the first thing we tend to notice is their face and lips. Soft and healthy lips can adorn your face like nothing else can. But our lips are the most sensitive part of our body and require a little TLC.

Most of us are lusting after beautiful pink plumped up lips, but what we don’t know is that our lips are like a sponge. When exposed to moisture, they absorb water and plump up. When dehydrated, they dry out and shrink. Also, the skin on our lips is unlike skin anywhere else on the body. It is thinner and has no oil glands, which can result in red, rough and chapped lips. If you are suffering from any of these afflictions, simply follow these seven steps:

Get watered: Drinking enough water, at least six to eight glasses a day, will not only keep your skin well hydrated, but will give you moist, smooth lips.

Lip BalmBalm it: Choosing the right lip balm is an integral part of lip care. A lip balm seals moisture in the lips and makes them smooth and kissable. Also, there’s a wide range of lip balms available for sale and which are designed to tackle varying degrees of lip dryness. Opt for lip balms containing beeswax for mild dryness and petrolatum for moderate to severe dryness. Lip balms with shea butter, jojoba oil and cetyl alcohol are also good choices to combat dryness and chapped lips.

Scrub it: Lip exfoliators (products that contain fruit-acid-based alpha or beta hydroxy acids) help get rid of dead skin. A glycolic, pyruvic or mandelic peel can gently exfoliate the superficial dead layers, hydrate and lighten the tone of the lip. But if you have sensitive skin or your lips are severely chapped or cracked, use these products cautiously, no more than once a week

In the shade: Lips are susceptible to sunburn since they lack melanin, the pigment that helps shield skin from the sun. To combat this, apply a layer of a sun-protective product daily (you can simply dab a bit of your daily sunscreen on your lips) or look for a lipstick with SPF 15.

In the cold: In case of a cold sore, oral antivirals are needed to treat the episode and bring about rapid healing. An antiviral ointment applied frequently through the day serves as supportive treatment.

Lick no more: Soreness and cuts at corners of the lips are common in those who have a lip-licking habit. Also it could be a sign of deficiency of B-complex vitamins and zinc. Rich moist lipssources of these are lean meat, seafood, eggs, nuts and oilseeds.

Matte no no: Matte lipsticks can be extremely drying, that’s why you should use them sparingly, especially if you suffer from chapped lips. Instead, use hydrating lipsticks (with ingredients like vitamin E and/or glycerin) or add a layer of moisturising lip balm underneath for plump, hydrated beautiful lips.

With inputs from Dr Rickson Pereira, Dr. Minal’s Dermatherapie Centre.

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Oils that heal

How can essential oils help treat eczema or ease insomnia? We list five fragrant oils that have unique healing properties.
by Beverley Lewis

If you are a big fan of anti-aging products, but are looking for something a bit more natural and specially-crafted for your skin, maybe it is time you tried blending your own essential oils, as a more natural and effective way to keep your skin healthy and younger looking. Essential oils can reduce the signs of aging and keep your skin healthy and fresh. Learn more about the top essential oils for facial use on any skin type.

Remember to blend 10 drops of an essential oil in 20 ml of a carrier oil like almond or grapeseed oil.

These are some oils you can use:

Juniper: Juniper oil is derived through the steam distillation of the needles, wood and fruit of the juniper tree. Juniper oil can be used in a number of different ways and is an effective facial skin tonic. It tightens the skin and also kills bacteria, thereby helping to prevent infection in acne sufferers.

FrankincenseFrankincense: Frankincense (in pic on left) is well-known for its ant-aging properties. This essential oil has been used as a cosmetic since ancient Egyptian times and continues to be popular to this day. Frankincense can help prevent and reduce wrinkles, as well as smooth and refine the appearance of the skin. It also promotes the growth of new skin cells.

Rosemary: This popular kitchen herb, when blended into an essential oil, can help rejuvenate mature skin and improve circulation. Its mild antiseptic properties can also prevent infection.

Neem: Oil from the seed or fruit of the neem tree has been used in traditional Indian medicine for many years. Neem oil is an effective treatment for many skin conditions and can be used as an ingredient in soap to help treat oily or greasy skin. Neem oil can also soothe and reduce the symptoms of eczema and acne.

Lavender: The essential oil of lavender (in pic on right) is well-known for its calming properties, and is known to help people with insomnia. If you lavender-oilsuffer from insomnia, try sprinkling a few drops of this essential oil on your pillow before bedtime. Additionally, lavender oil can also be used to treat eczema and acne, as well as insect bites and stings.

With inputs from Nisha Dhutia, aromatherapist.

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Reverse your wrinkles naturally

Once a wrinkle, always a wrinkle? Not quite. It is possible to reverse skin wrinkling. Read on to know how.
by Beverley Lewis

In an attempt to achieve a radiant complexion and get rid of wrinkles, we slather our bodies with expensive ant-ageing creams and moisturisers, get chemical peels and botox. Although these methods may be helpful in improving the way our skin looks, the key to reducing wrinkles and improving our complexion is to decrease free radical damage from occurring at a rapid rate. In order to do this, we have to ensure our diets include these five foods that are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.

green vegetablesGo green: Include plenty of green vegetables in your diet on a daily basis. Foods such as spinach and wheat grass contain phytonutrients, which help detoxify the body to keep skin clear and radiant. Most experts believe that green leafy veggies are the plant equivalent of the oxygen-carrying red pigment haemoglobin in our red blood cells and the chlorophyll within these greens have disease-fighting bacteria, which exert therapeutic effects on bad breath and body odour. Also make sure to have a lot of green smoothies.

Mr Beans to the rescue: Beans and lentils are superfoods and should be eaten at least once a day. They are well known for their high fiber content and keeping unwanted pounds at bay. All beans and lentils also have a very low-glycemic index – this means that they will not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar when eaten, the way sugary, starchy foods do. They are also anti-inflammatory foods and prevent dull, dry, wrinkled sagging skin.

Olive oil: Most of us tend to shy away from fats, but we need a source of good fats in our diet to help us olive oilabsorb nutrients from our vegetables and fruit, keep our cells supple, our skin glowing and wrinkle-free, our brains sharp, and our mood upbeat. We also need dietary fat to burn fat. Extra virgin olive oil contains oleic acid, which helps us absorb omega-3s and other vitamins and nutrients from our foods. Oleic acid is vital in keeping the outer portion of the cell, known as the cell plasma membrane, supple, thereby allowing nutrients to enter the cell and wastes to exit.

Tea, please: Green tea contains compounds known as polyphenols, which help to eliminate inflammation-producing free radicals. Research shows that polyphenols protect healthy cells from cancer-causing DNA damage, while ushering cancer cells to their death. Another remarkable finding is the power of green tea polyphenols which can help prevent psoriasis, ulcers, rosacea, wounds and wrinkles.

green teaBe nutty: Almonds are by far nature’s best dietary source of selenium and vitamin E. A single serving of almonds (12 almonds) are a great anti-wrinkle food as they increase skin elasticity and aid in skin repair and rejuvenation. However, it is important to bear in mind that almonds, like most other nuts are calorie-dense, and therefore they should be consumed in moderation, especially if you are concerned about weight gain.

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