
Prevent early signs of aging

Are you worried that your skin looks older than you? Follow a few simple steps and reduce wrinkles right now.
by Deepa Mistry

No one likes to look old, whether they are in their early 30s or older. To look younger, we all end up spending a bomb on over-the-counter products, prescription creams and fillers, and, most drastically, cosmetic surgery. But do any of these really work? Maybe yes, but only temporarily.

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the natural aging process. As we become older, our skin becomes thinner, drier and less elastic. Our skin’s ability to protect itself from damage is also reduced as we age. Eventually wrinkles, creases and lines form on our skin.

According to Medilexicon’s medical dictionary, “A wrinkle is a furrow, fold, or crease in the skin, particularly of a type seen with increasing occurrence as a result of sun exposure or, in perioral skin (skin lining the inside of the mouth), cigarette smoking; associated with degeneration of dermal elastic tissue.”

Wrinkles are the creases, folds or ridges we see on our skin. The first most visible signs, however, appear on our face. There are two main types of wrinkles: Surface lines and Deep furrows. Most wrinkles tend to appear in the parts of the body which receive the most sun exposure, including the backs of hands, face, neck and tops of forearms. With our lifestyles, apart from the normal aging process, there are many other factors that cause wrinkles.

smokingSmoking produces free radicals in the body. These cause wrinkles and age-related skin problems to develop sooner. Free radicals also increase the risk of non-melanoma skin cancers. Smokers tend to have thinner skin, and more and deeper wrinkles than nonsmokers. Cigarette smokers are also more prone to skin cancers, including squamous cell carcinoma and giant basal cell carcinoma.

Research has found that women who smoke have much lower levels of Vitamin E secretions in their skin. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that may help protect the skin from sun damage. People who spend considerable time out in the sun if their job requires them to or during their leisure hours are more likely to develop wrinkles earlier. Avoid smoking; heavy smokers are almost five times more likely to show excessive wrinkling than nonsmokers. Even passive smoke is dangerous to skin.

Protect your skin from the sun. Sunlight exposure is the most important cause of early aging of skin (a process called photoaging). Sunlight exposure is also the main cause of skin cancers.

The two types of sun rays that can injure the skin are ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB). Exposure sunlight exposureto ultraviolet radiation accounts for most of the symptoms of early skin aging. Much of the damage is underway by age 20. Even small amounts of UV radiation trigger the processes leading to skin wrinkles.

Intense exposure to sunlight in early life is an important cause of melanoma, an aggressive type of skin cancer. Wear sunscreen and sunglasses.

your genesDon’t blame your genes. Your genes only govern 30 per cent of how you age. The other 70 per cent is up to you. Eat healthy; a diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains, along with healthy oils (such as olive oil) may protect the skin from damage by free radicals. This is because these foods have high levels of antioxidants. Increase your intake of antioxidants like pomegranates, blueberries, green tea or fruits with high water content. Daily exercise keeps blood flowing, which brings oxygen to the skin.

Be happy. Yes you heard it right! A research shows that men and women who are depressed or divorced or those using antidepressants looked older than married or widowed people of the same age. At the very least, being happy will help you not care so much about the wrinkles!

Wrinkles are not considered medical conditions or life-threatening or harmful to physical health. Getting rid of wrinkles or taking steps to postpone their development are always optional measures, because it is important for the individual to bear this in mind when considering treatment options. At the end of the day, it’s all about feeling good about yourself.

With inputs from: Skin wrinkles and blemishes | University of Maryland Medical Center.

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Goodbye, acne

Suffering from acne? Get some help with these five easy DIY ways to fight acne for a blemish free skin.
by Deepa Mistry

The weather is currently yo-yoing, unable to decide between rainy gloom or sudden bursts of sunshine. And this causes breakouts on your face and other parts of the body.

treat acneEvery woman dreams of having a clear skin, but waking up with a giant zit is a horror that each of us experiences from time to time. A pimple always catches you off guard on the day you want to look your best. Most of us would just cover it up with lots of makeup, but no matter how much foundation and concealer you slather on, it’s just a temporary remedy.

Acne can be very distressing; and though your pimples can be treated with various treatments, they leave permanent scars. People believe acne happens only to teens or people in their late teens, but we find that breakouts are increasingly caused in adults due to stress, lifestyle choices and hormonal changes.

Dr Manisha Shah, dermatologist, says, “Acne is mostly seen on the face, but it can also occur on other parts of the body, such as on the neck, back and the shoulders. A pimple arises due to some sort of skin damage; during the healing process, the body creates new skin cells and collagen fibers – this repair process leads to the formation of acne scars.

Its full form is Acne Vulgaris. Acne is also caused during adolescence, ovulation, menstrual cycles, pregnancy or if birth control pills are taken. Blood impurity causes acne breakouts too, so avoid oily and junk foods.”

But all is not lost – you can combat acne with a few simple home remedies. Try these five simple tricks:
Aloe vera: It is most easily available in almost every household. The magic lies in the gel-like substance found in its leaves, which has the ability to heal skin problems. Peel the green upper portion of the leaf, and scoop out the gel with a spoon. Apply a little quantity to the scarred tissue. Apply twice a day, leave it for half an hour and wash with water. Over a few days, you will notice that not only does the acne scar become undetectable, but your skin also feels tighter and gets a distinct glow.

neem leavesNeem leaves: Neem contains alkaloids which have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. This makes it effective against a wide range of skin problems, right from acne and eczema to ringworm, because it also has the property of cleansing the body of toxins. Make a neem paste with a little water and apply on the affected area for some time. You will see the difference over a period of time.

Baking soda: This handy kitchen must-have is the simplest and fastest cure for acne. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with water to form a paste. Just slather it over your zits before you go to bed and rinse it off in the morning. Similarly, a corn starch and water mask also helps exfoliates skin.

Toothpaste: For a quick anti-redness remedy, cover your pimples with toothpaste, leave for 10 minutes or so, and then rinse. For a deeper cure, apply toothpaste on your pimples before going to bed and cover with a bandage or soft cloth, and leave overnight. Wash the toothpaste off in the morning. If you have sensitive skin, do not opt for toothpaste with whitening properties.

Fenugreek and cumin seeds: The most recommended remedy for pimples. A fenugreek paste made with water is the fenugreek-seedsperfect aid to avoid further breakouts. A paste made with cumin seeds mixed with water is a must as it is a rich source of zinc.

Apart from the above tricks, the two key ingredients to use are cucumber paste and lime juice. Cucumber applied daily removes dead skin cells and cleans pores, while keeping skin hydrated and moisturised to remove extra oil. Lime juice also plays a key role in preventing acne; it not only does not allow pimples to dry out, but it also kills acne bacteria, providing a calming effect to the skin. Besides, its vitamin C content maintains healthy and glowing skin. Simply rub a cotton ball dipped in lime juice on your face every day and rinse.

The simplest remedy is detox. Drink a lot of water, eat garlic every day, and consume foods with a high content of vitamins. Try including eggs, carrot juice, lean meats, green leafy vegetables, chicken, oats and mushrooms in your diet. Cut down on oily food, caffeine, alcohol and carbs.

Avoid oil-based cosmetics and try some deep breathing exercises, as stress is a major cause for acne. Nowadays acne-curing pills are also easily available in the market, but they contain hormone affecting properties which can harm you. Pimple extractor creams are also available, but they can cause skin irritation and can leave marks.

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Nailed it!

Planning a Sunday brunch or headed to the club with your girls? This weekend flaunt five DIY nail art designs.
by Deepa Mistry

Women love to dress up and there’s no way we like to leave our nails looking bare and unstylish. Nail art manicures are amazing, especially if you get them done from a professional nail art studio, but they cost a bomb, which is why I prefer to do my own nail art at home.

If you haven’t found the time to rush to the parlour for a manicure or pedicure, don’t panic yet because we’ve got the 5 best DIY at home nail art ideas. Express your personality with some fancy nail art which will add flair to your elegant outfit. While there is no need for total accuracy, some things to remember are:

– Don’t colour outside the lines. You can touch up any excess nail polish with a Q-tip or a cotton bud.

– Your nail art tools include some nail polish – a base coat to prevent discolouration of nails, a colour coat, and a top coat for lasting purposes – and a handful of other items such as stationery tape, bobby pins and cotton buds.

Try these five nail art techniques:

dotted nailsDotted nails: Wipe out all the old nail polish before you start. Shape your nails well. Start with a base coat. After applying a base coat, apply a coat of white nail polish. Make sure the shade you have purchased is opaque and not transparent. This will allow the bright colours to stand out even more. After these two coats are dry, start painting dots at the base of the nail in a straight line with the help of a toothpick or a bobby pin to get perfect round dots. You can use colour combinations like pink and blue, red and yellow or green, pink and purple. Once dry, apply a final coat of transparent nail polish for long lasting colour.

Tip: Base coat nail polish is specially formulated to smooth out the surface of your nails, thereby giving the polish an even surface to stick to. It also helps prolong the life of your manicure while protecting your nails from getting stained.

Glitterati: Start with the same base, then apply two coats of black nail polish. Once it dries off completely, place a strip of stationery tape at the base of your nail with a curved tip leaving only the top half exposed. Start with a glitter nail polish- gold, silver or mix and you will have a half moon with black and glitter.

Tip: Always apply two coats of any shade instead of one as the nail polish will last longer

Ombre: Ombre nails are a type of manicure in which a gradient effect is created (see pic below). A light colour on the bottom of the nail gradually blends into a darker colour toward the tip. You will Ombre nailsneed three different neon shades of nail polish, sponge and scotch tape. Start with a base coat, then using the small end of a makeup sponge, paint three colours side by side. You could opt for pink, orange and yellow or try two colours, green and blue. Opt for vibrant colours as they stand out. Stamp the sponge onto your nail and press it over and over, slightly moving it up and down your nail to blend the colours. Stamp all your nails and wait for them to dry. Don’t worry about the nail polish on your skin. Once it dries, dip a cotton bud in acetone and wipe your skin to remove excess nail polish.

Tip: Soak the make-up sponge in water and drain it, leaving it damp but not wet. This will prevent nail polish from drying off faster on the sponge.

Bling it on: Start with the base coat, apply a pastel shade of nail polish on each of your nails, two coats each. Once it dries of completely apply a bright shade or a glitter one only on your ring finger. Add some accessories and carry it off with a chunky ring or a cuff and you’re set for the day! Try the new Sally Hansen range of crackle nail polish; do not apply to bare nails, apply two coats of your favourite nail colour. Once dried, add a thin or thick coat (depending on desired effect) of any Crackle Overcoat shade.

Tip: Do not leave the bottle open, close tightly when not in use.

nail art stickersOn the go: Nail art stickers are easily available in the market too these days, L’Oreal Paris has a wide range to choose from with some outstanding bold prints which are a must-have for this season. Faces Canada also offers you artificial nails with ready nail art on it – just apply glue, stick them and voila! These days, stamping tools and stickers are available at any store, but always make sure you buy a well-known brand of nail polish as cheaper ones damage your nails.

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Have a good-looking vacation

It’s easy enough to care for your skin at home. But what do you do when you’re out on vacation? We bring you tips to look beautiful even on your vacation in the rains.
by Deepa Mistry

Indian monsoons are truly beautiful; the green spread soothes the stressed mind; dust is washed away, as is the heat-induced weariness of people, but when it pours cats and dogs, some might prefer to cosy up in the house and enjoy the rains. But we also love to be adventurous in this season and take mini breaks.

However, the monsoon plays havoc with your skin and hair. Add to that the change in climate and location on your holiday, and you end up looking like something the cat brought in. But if you follow some simple tips, you can look pretty on your vacation and enjoy great skin and hair, too.

Manage those tresses
– Climate change can cause hair to go limp. Avoid tying them for too long, especially if they are wet. Wet hair can cause dandruff and itchiness, which causes hair fall. Carry a handy towel and a wide-toothed brush to avoid tangles. Add a playful look to your hair by using accessories like hair bands, colourful clips and pins.
– Good cleansing and conditioning is essential, so make sure you carry a mild shampoo and conditioner.
– Try a loose bun, loose hair, loose side pony tail and protect your hair from exposure to humidity. Rains can dampen your hair but avoid using hair styling products like blow dryers or styling iron. Let your hair dry naturally.
– If you decide to walk in the rains, wear a jacket with a hoodie or carry a trendy and colourful umbrella to add a glam touch.

– Avoid wearing closed shoes. Skip the leather boots and high heels and opt for colourful rubber flip flops, but avoid walking in dirty water as it might cause fungal infections. Open footwear makes it easier for water and dirt to seep out, keeping feet still fresh.
– Make sure you wash your feet with clean water after you get indoors. Pat feet dry. talcum powder on feet
– After drying your feet, apply some talcum powder and air your feet for a while.
– Before going to sleep, apply moisturizer on your feet. This helps you get rid of the dead skin and keeps feet clean, smooth, and allergy-free.
– Get a pedicure before your trip. Keep nails trimmed.
If your footwear is soaked in rainwater, make sure you dry it before use the next day. Damp shoes offer a breeding ground to bacteria and germs, which ultimately lead to infection.
– If you are headed for the mountains, you might have to wear socks and shoes. Apply talcum powder inside your socks before you wear them, this will help feet stay fresh and help avoid smelly feet.

Skin care
– Drink as much as water you want, don’t worry about the frequent urination. Water will keep your body hydrated and add a freshness on your face.
moisturise skin– Moisturising is very essential, so before you sleep also apply lots of moisturiser to keep skin soft.
– Use lots of sunscreen before you head out, even if it’s pouring outside.
– Go easy on the makeup. If you must use a lipstick, we recommend a long-stay water resistant one. Opt for bright pinks or coral and avoid lip gloss. Add a dramatic touch to your eyes by opting for colours like blue, purple and green as they are the best colours this season.
– Stay away from heavy and creamy skin products. Go for a good quality oil-free matte primer, and a light oil-free base.
– Sheer film of light brown, beige, pastel or pink cream eye shadow can be used along with a thick line of eyeliner. Avoid liquid liners; opt for a pencil eyeliner or kajal instead.

We hope our tips help you on your monsoon break. But remember to also eat and drink right for an extra fabulous monsoon vacation!

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Lip service

Soft, healthy pink lips lend a fresh look to your face. If you’re looking for juicy, luscious lips, read on.
by Beverley Lewis

Generally, when we meet someone, the first thing we tend to notice is their face and lips. Soft and healthy lips can adorn your face like nothing else can. But our lips are the most sensitive part of our body and require a little TLC.

Most of us are lusting after beautiful pink plumped up lips, but what we don’t know is that our lips are like a sponge. When exposed to moisture, they absorb water and plump up. When dehydrated, they dry out and shrink. Also, the skin on our lips is unlike skin anywhere else on the body. It is thinner and has no oil glands, which can result in red, rough and chapped lips. If you are suffering from any of these afflictions, simply follow these seven steps:

Get watered: Drinking enough water, at least six to eight glasses a day, will not only keep your skin well hydrated, but will give you moist, smooth lips.

Lip BalmBalm it: Choosing the right lip balm is an integral part of lip care. A lip balm seals moisture in the lips and makes them smooth and kissable. Also, there’s a wide range of lip balms available for sale and which are designed to tackle varying degrees of lip dryness. Opt for lip balms containing beeswax for mild dryness and petrolatum for moderate to severe dryness. Lip balms with shea butter, jojoba oil and cetyl alcohol are also good choices to combat dryness and chapped lips.

Scrub it: Lip exfoliators (products that contain fruit-acid-based alpha or beta hydroxy acids) help get rid of dead skin. A glycolic, pyruvic or mandelic peel can gently exfoliate the superficial dead layers, hydrate and lighten the tone of the lip. But if you have sensitive skin or your lips are severely chapped or cracked, use these products cautiously, no more than once a week

In the shade: Lips are susceptible to sunburn since they lack melanin, the pigment that helps shield skin from the sun. To combat this, apply a layer of a sun-protective product daily (you can simply dab a bit of your daily sunscreen on your lips) or look for a lipstick with SPF 15.

In the cold: In case of a cold sore, oral antivirals are needed to treat the episode and bring about rapid healing. An antiviral ointment applied frequently through the day serves as supportive treatment.

Lick no more: Soreness and cuts at corners of the lips are common in those who have a lip-licking habit. Also it could be a sign of deficiency of B-complex vitamins and zinc. Rich moist lipssources of these are lean meat, seafood, eggs, nuts and oilseeds.

Matte no no: Matte lipsticks can be extremely drying, that’s why you should use them sparingly, especially if you suffer from chapped lips. Instead, use hydrating lipsticks (with ingredients like vitamin E and/or glycerin) or add a layer of moisturising lip balm underneath for plump, hydrated beautiful lips.

With inputs from Dr Rickson Pereira, Dr. Minal’s Dermatherapie Centre.

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Oils that heal

How can essential oils help treat eczema or ease insomnia? We list five fragrant oils that have unique healing properties.
by Beverley Lewis

If you are a big fan of anti-aging products, but are looking for something a bit more natural and specially-crafted for your skin, maybe it is time you tried blending your own essential oils, as a more natural and effective way to keep your skin healthy and younger looking. Essential oils can reduce the signs of aging and keep your skin healthy and fresh. Learn more about the top essential oils for facial use on any skin type.

Remember to blend 10 drops of an essential oil in 20 ml of a carrier oil like almond or grapeseed oil.

These are some oils you can use:

Juniper: Juniper oil is derived through the steam distillation of the needles, wood and fruit of the juniper tree. Juniper oil can be used in a number of different ways and is an effective facial skin tonic. It tightens the skin and also kills bacteria, thereby helping to prevent infection in acne sufferers.

FrankincenseFrankincense: Frankincense (in pic on left) is well-known for its ant-aging properties. This essential oil has been used as a cosmetic since ancient Egyptian times and continues to be popular to this day. Frankincense can help prevent and reduce wrinkles, as well as smooth and refine the appearance of the skin. It also promotes the growth of new skin cells.

Rosemary: This popular kitchen herb, when blended into an essential oil, can help rejuvenate mature skin and improve circulation. Its mild antiseptic properties can also prevent infection.

Neem: Oil from the seed or fruit of the neem tree has been used in traditional Indian medicine for many years. Neem oil is an effective treatment for many skin conditions and can be used as an ingredient in soap to help treat oily or greasy skin. Neem oil can also soothe and reduce the symptoms of eczema and acne.

Lavender: The essential oil of lavender (in pic on right) is well-known for its calming properties, and is known to help people with insomnia. If you lavender-oilsuffer from insomnia, try sprinkling a few drops of this essential oil on your pillow before bedtime. Additionally, lavender oil can also be used to treat eczema and acne, as well as insect bites and stings.

With inputs from Nisha Dhutia, aromatherapist.

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