
The benefits of balancing your chakras

Did you know that balancing your chakras could relieve you of daily aches and pains? Read on to know more.

Ancient yogic texts are steeped in the study of chakras. Despite the immense benefits that the chakra technique offers, their uses and knowledge is not widely known. The study and execution of chakra balancing acts can have many potential benefits like increasing  mental and physical harmony. Did you know that chakra balancing helps to keep common ailments at bay when practised regularly?

Disorientation, physically and psychologically, is becoming a daily occurrence due to increased amounts of stress and other negative energies. Chakra balancing techniques are the perfect antidote to combat the daily fatigue arising through usual routines. In order to get an overview, read on to find four major benefits of chakra balancing.

balancing your chakrasReduces aches and pains: You encounter pain in different parts of the body daily. While the cause may range from injury to over exertion, a majority of these pains are caused by misalignment of your various chakras, like sahasrara, ajna, etc. With proper chakra balancing techniques, you can get rid of common pains like muscle pain, back pain etc. With regular practice, you can help reduce instances of migraines and headaches that are often associated with stress and anxiety.

Improves emotional stability: Chakras deal primarily with emotions. Their study revolves around finding ways to improve emotional stability. You can achieve emotional stability with the help of the chakra balancing tools that help you to use the sensory organs in your body and make you more aware of your emotions. You will learn to look within yourself for strength to face your challenges. You can greatly improve your decision making ability and get back in touch with reality. Get rid of addictions with the help of chakra balancing tools.

Promotes greater healing ability: Practicing chakra balancing regularly will give you greater healing ability from common ailments. You don’t need to rush to the nearest chemists for over the counter medications. You will find the required healing quality within yourself to combat common ailments. This particular ability to heal also deals with your emotional and psychological problems. With this new found healing ability, you can get rid of persistent depression and anxiety problems as well. You will become stronger both internally and externally.

Increases passion: With the help of chakra balancing tools, you will experience increased passion towards your loved ones and life in general. They will give you added vitality to take on your routine tasks with gusto. Chakra balancing helps you get rid of the negativity within you and helps you to unlock the positive thinking and positive way of living.

Learn the power of living in the present with the help of chakra balancing tools. You can find a few retail stores online that specializes in supplying chakra tools straight to your doorstep.


Change your attitude with yoga

Yoga promotes positivity, good health and a relaxed frame of mind. The best part? Anybody can practice it, any time.

Yoga is often considered as the route to relaxation, positive thinking, healthy living and truthfulness. Not only this, regular practice of yoga will help you develop focus, concentration, drive, strength and flexibility; all of which are essential to lead a positive and happy life.

Besides, in today’s demanding and taxing life, each one of us could do with some form of amity and satisfaction. Therefore, take the first step to empower yourself and obtain both good health and serenity. Here’s introducing to you the importance of yoga and how it benefits your overall health, leading you on the path of rejuvenation and positivity.

Anyone can practice yoga. Yoga is great exercise that allows every individual to practice it at a pace that is suitable for them. Another incredible aspect of yoga is that it benefits you regardless of your individual level of strength. The only effort that you require to put in is the effort of will. It is only by your will and drive that you could imbibe yoga in your lifestyle. So, get on your yoga clothes and start practicing this beneficial routine at the earliest!

Yoga is inspiring. Many successful individuals, globally, have embraced yoga as it helps make them feel alive and energetic. The reason behind this inspirational feel while practicing yoga is that your body is bending, stretching, turning and twisting the way it is meant to be. This helps increase your muscle as well as inner strength, making you feel alive and in touch with your true self.

practice yogaImparts joy and contentment. Practicing yoga on a daily basis imparts the feeling of joy and satisfaction. It helps you develop peace and strike equilibrium with oneself. This source of contentment through yoga helps you pull through the difficult obstacles and challenges of life with complete ease. Also, you should know that peace and joy comes from the inside and that is precisely what yoga focuses on.

Strike a chord of peace. In today’s chaotic world, striking a peaceful chord with yourself is technically impossible. However, thanks to yoga, you can sit in utter silence and place yourself in a celestial aura that will help you stay calm throughout the hardships life puts you through. You can listen to CDs that impart peace while practicing yoga.

Good for emotional well-being. A reported fact is that anyone who practices yoga over a period of time observes a positive outlook and energy level. The breathing exercises help improve and boost your mood. Therefore, if you are tackling any sort of mental stress, make an attempt to embrace yoga and its techniques and watch the difference it could make in your life.

Besides the above-mentioned benefits, yoga has a plethora of more benefits to offer. Hence, if you are someone who does not practice yoga, this is the right time for you to start. In addition, you should make sure to have your yoga accessories in place, as that would help you embrace all the positives in life. You could also buy fitness equipment online to keep abreast with the latest yoga products out in the market.

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Surprising causes of stress

Did you know that the things that make you happy can also give you stress? Read on to know more.
by Sharad Panjwani

‘Stress’ is, in the simplest terms, a short-term elevation or depression in our mood caused by a change in our environment. These changes can be good or bad. However, prolonged stress gives rise to depression or behavioural changes.

Normally, we associate stress with negative situations and people. A bad appraisal, an unfriendly group of co-workers, an argumentative spouse, your child’s continued bad grades – all of these are causes of stress, and we associate the term ‘stress’ only with negative or unpleasant events in our lives. However, even seemingly ‘good’ factors in our lives can cause stress! We’re just not aware of them.

Says psychologist Dr Charul Shahani, “Anything that causes a change in our environment can give us stress. Even something as innocuous as a close relative visiting us can cause enormous amounts of stress – however, in this case, our feelings of happiness override any panic or fear we may experience. The stress in seemingly ‘happy’ situations spurs us on to work better or faster. However, in some cases, people might experience a breakdown – like when they are organising a party for friends, or going on a blind date.”

These are some hidden sources of stress:

Families: Though this is largely dependent on a particular situation, our families do cause us stress without us realising it. A simple argument over who gets to watch which TV programme, or if the family should take an outing to a certain restaurant, can cause varying amounts of stress. Apart from these, some irritating habits of our family members cause stress on a daily level.

Pets: Our pets largely give us huge amounts of joy, but dealing with them can also be stressful. Says vet Varun Chugh, “We learn to identify our pets’ behaviours, their personalities and what they prefer to eat, how they like to play, what annoys them, and so on. Keeping a track of all of these can be stressful, especially if the pet suddenly changes some behaviours. Your dog barking at night or your cat mewing as if in pain – these can cause stress. People who have young children in their homes as well as pets experience double the amounts of stress because they are handling different personalities at the same time. This stress can translate into fatigue, irritation and lack of sleep.”

Food: Science has established that different foods can have varying effects on our moods. Apart from taste, the temperature, smell and fragrance of food and drink that we consume have a huge bearing on our mood. People who skip their breakfasts are obvious contenders for stress in this category, but so are people who are non-finicky in their food choices! While we assume that people who ‘eat whatever is put on their plates’ are easy-going , no-fuss individuals, these same people can feel stress if their habitual eating discipline prompts them to consume stuff they don’t like. An example of this would be finishing off food at a party despite bad cooking, so that the hostess is not upset.

Messy room or workspace: Some of us are naturally messy – we dump our stuff all over the place but we know where to find it. However, studies show that the bigger the mess, messy roomthe bigger the stress in remembering and finding our things later. This happens even if we know exactly where we’ve put them. So when our elders ask us to tidy up, it is for this reason alone – to minimise our own stress.

Gossipy neighbours or co-workers: Though all of us enjoy listening to or sharing gossip with our neighbours and colleagues at work, there is an unspoken fear all of us face – are people talking about me, too? Besides this, we also experience stress when we hear really bad news about somebody else, or some shocking fact about an acquaintance.

Working after office hours: It’s true that the ‘9 to 5’ concept of a working day doesn’t hold true for most of us, with many offices working well past 10 hours on most days. However, we are conditioned to treat our time out of the office (after work hours or on weekends) as ‘me-time’, and admit or not, all of us do have some tasks that we put off for ‘when we are free after work’. Naturally, the idea of having to work when we should be stocking up the fridge or going on a movie date as planned or even catching up on sleep causes stress.

The colours of our walls: Studies have shown that the colours we surround ourselves with have a direct bearing on our emotional well-being. People who work in spotless white workplaces or offices that have zero tolerance for eating at the desktop, report experiencing slight panic or pressure to be on their best behaviour, without having been told to do so. Similarly, homes or offices with walls painted in warm colours cause negative feelings. On the other end of the scale, dull colours such as grey or navy blue cause lethargy. It is a good idea to have a pop of colour in the surroundings with the walls painted in pastel shades. Offices with windows overlooking trees and activity are best.

Routine health checkups: Says Dr Shahani, “We go for checkups to rule out any abnormality, but a visit to the doctor, however routine, is always a cause for stress. Every human being has the fear of a hidden illness being detected. The friendliest doctor can, unintentionally, cause a lot of stress. However, this stress is released the moment we get a clean bill of health.”

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‘Indians don’t see a dentist unless they suffer a toothache’

The Indian Dental Association (IDA) cautions on the problems arising from lack of oral hygiene among adults and young children.
by The Editors |

Do you brush your teeth at night, despite coming home very late from work or a party? Do you undergo regular dental check-ups to maintain the health of your teeth?

Or do you think of going for a check-up only when there’s a severe ache in your tooth?

Dr.AshokDhobleIf you fall in this latter category, you are not alone. The Indian Dental Association (IDA) contends that a low number of Indians visit a dentist despite suffering cavities and tooth decay, and that both adults and children in the country are prone to gum disease and bad dental health. We spoke to IDA’s Secretary General Dr Ashok Dhoble on the subject.

Excerpts from the interview:

What is the biggest challenge that doctors face in creating oral health awareness?

Although the Oral Care market in India is continuously evolving, it yet remains one with great potential for growth. India offers a big opportunity as it is still an under-penetrated market. Indians tend to follow a remedial path where they seek professional dental care only at the time of severe toothaches. There is little awareness of the benefit of an early, preventive care approach to oral health.

Only a few people realise that oral problems can be prevented by adopting a few simple, stress-free hygiene practices. Starting early will make oral care a habit and not a practice. Children, from an early age of three should be made aware of the basics like the importance of brushing teeth twice a day, cleaning teeth and gums properly and other oral care information. While brushing your teeth is essential in the morning, brushing at night is as significant to reduce bacteria activity in your mouth.

The availability of toothpastes which are focussed at providing relief for specific ailments are helping to address oral care needs. However, the need to spread oral care awareness in the country is important. A Consumer Usage and Attitudes Survey recently conducted by IMRB (2009) International for Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited revealed that out of 70 per cent who suffer from cavities or decay, only 58 per cent visit the dentist.

There are steps being taken by the dental profession to ensure maximum awareness in this regard. The Indian Dental Association, each year partners with Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited to organise the Oral Health Month spanning two months. This platform offers our affiliated dentists to provide free dental check-ups to consumers across the country. This year, 30,000 IDA dentists have come forward to spread Oral Care awareness supporting the Oral Health Month in October and November 2013.

Which are the age groups and people most vulnerable to oral health disorders?

Oral diseases are not restricted to just adults or children. Any person who doesn’t pay heed to his/her oral hygiene is prone to oral care disorders.

Introducing your child to good oral care and hygiene practices from an early age is recommended. As mentioned earlier, children should be taken for regular oral health checkups from the age of 3 years. Children are vulnerable to dental problems because of their affinity towards sweets, chocolates, sugary drinks and sticky fast food options; they are more likely to show early signs of caries that may lead to problems like cavities. This can lead to other complications such as toothache and may affect the child’s overall health in the long term.

Even teenagers, for that matter, are so engrossed in studies, sports and other social activities, that oral care often takes a back seat. In such a situation, parents should encourage brushing, flossing and regular dental checkups for them. If need be, parents should become role models and set high standards of oral hygiene for their children to follow.

What is your expectation from corporates in the realm of oral health care? How, in your opinion, should corporates help in generating awareness?brushing teeth

There are many companies that undertake numerous socially relevant initiatives towards this cause throughout the year and across the country.

How should the Government respond to the need to create awareness?

Provision of healthcare is the responsibility of the Government.  Other agencies like IDA are meant to supplement the governmental efforts. Public expenditure on health in general is very poor and there is no separate allocation in the budget for oral healthcare, in particular, which is a must.  A separate oral health policy as a part of the national health policy could improve matters in this regard. 

Changes in the nation’s demographic profile, new technologies, evolving disease patterns, growing Government and media influences, market place changes, globalisation of healthcare–all these and other factors affect dentistry just as they influence other parts of society.

A well-structured, continuous training programme to keep pace with changing disease patterns can contribute to better oral health.  The Government should take a lead in this regard and must use the arm of Dental Council of India for this purpose. There is no separate department to exclusively deal with oral healthcare services. Oral health problems being directly linked to our own lifestyles, and lifestyle changes being rampant, setting up of a separate Oral Healthcare Services Department in the Ministry of Health brooks no delay.

Looking at the limitations of the public sector, the private sector equally has a major role to play in the development of the nation’s health. Public Private Partnership should be encouraged on an increasing scale to improve healthcare, including oral health.

An aggressive approach to oral health promotion, disease prevention and access to dental healthcare needs to be adopted to improve oral health and quality of life, since oral health is often neglected by most people. Towards this end, a closer collaboration among all healthcare providers should contribute to achieving dentistry’s primary goal of improving the health of the people.

Have you come across a recent study/survey in India that threw light on the issue of lack of oral health awareness?

Various studies, over a span of time, have thrown light on oral problems in India. For instance, a survey by Nielsen (2011), commissioned by Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited, reveals the seriousness of the condition of tooth sensitivity in India; and the dismal state of awareness about this oral health problem. According to the survey, over 40 per cent of the respondents claimed to suffer from tooth sensitivity.

The objective is to spread the overall oral care awareness and make consumers aware of the importance of oral hygiene as part of their overall health.

Do you find a disparity in awareness of oral health care between India’s cities and rural areas?

Some rural areas in the country have limited dental facilities as compared to the metros. Consequently, the level of oral care awareness in these areas is also low. However, there are several initiatives undertaken by institutions such as the IDA which aim to educate the rural population.

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Why you should drink water in winter

Winters don’t make us thirsty, but our body indicates that it needs water. Here’s why you need to tank up.
by The Editors |

Water is our saviour in the summer months, but we tend to turn our backs on this wonder fluid when the weather turns cold. Sure, we feel less thirsty in the cold weather, and drinking too much water makes some of us go to the restroom more often, but that is no reason to drink less water in the winter.

The weather is slowly turning cold in Mumbai, and with our skin moisturising products and our jackets and sweaters, we should also stock up on water. Here’s why:

dry skin in winterDry skin, hair, body: The onset of winter is marked with dry skin, chapped lips, scaly skin on arms and legs, and less-oily-than-usual hair. However, we wrongly attribute these phenomena only to the dip in temperature – all of these are, in fact, the body’s way of telling us that it needs more hydration.

While external application of moisturisers and balms may help, nothing hydrates the body like drinking enough water. If cold water makes your teeth chatter, try warm water with a bit of lemon juice to hydrate and cleanse the system. Drinking enough water will also prevent skin from flaking and developing a chalky, dry texture.

Warm drinks are great, but…: It’s true that a hot cup of tea or a glass of juice are sources of water, but they are not very good sources. The tannin in tea and caffeine in coffee dry out the body and have a diuretic effect, respectively. Which means that with every cup of tea or coffee, we must drink two glasses of water to replenish water levels in our body.

Also, we tend to sweeten our juices with white sugar, thereby ruining the juice’s overall nutritive value. If you don’t want to consume plain water, use it to make a fresh fruit or vegetable juice. Use honey to sweeten and rock salt to taste.

Prevent lethargy: Studies show that water keeps the brain functioning well, apart from lubricating the joints. So the next time you’re tired of staring at the computer, take a walk and sip on a glass of water. We also tend to eat more sweet food and drink hot chocolate in the cold weather. Regular sips of water will dilute the high sugar content and help to process and digest the food better, thus preventing post-lunch lethargy.

Healthy urine and stools: Drinking less water will increase the concentration of salt in urine and cause hardening of stools. In the winter, our metabolism slows down and water retention increases. Drinking enough water ensures that the kidneys and intestines don’t have to work extra hard to digest food and form urine and stools.

Gymming in the winter: Gyms provide an airconditioned environment in which to exercise, but the AC can wreak havoc with your system in the winter. Doctors advise that drinking water in wintergymmers must drink more water while exercising in the winter, so as to maintain the body’s water levels. Gymmers consuming less water will notice more cramping and muscle spasms – a sure sign that the body needs more water. When on a walk, carry a bottle of water and don’t forget to sip on it often.

More headaches, migraines: The cold weather brings biting winds that are cruel on aching joints and those prone to migraines. The change in weather is normally a trigger for headaches. But instead of popping painkillers, drink a cup of ginger tea thrice in the day. The concoction will alleviate your headache. Alternately, practice deep breathing for five minutes when you feel a headache approach, and follow this up with a cup of herbal tea.

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Aching back? Here’s how you set it right

Backaches have a detrimental effect on our work and leisure hours. Treat the problem before it develops into something serious.
by Sharad Panjwani

A backache can make you miserable, rendering daily routines difficult to achieve and a constant reminder that something’s not right. But though back pain may slow you down, there’s no reason you can’t erase it from your life for ever.

Shruti Khopkar (31) was active before her wedding two years ago – she would exercise every day, be on the move even at work, run errands and get at least seven hours of sleep. “But I had to quit my job after the wedding, and soon, there was a lot of work at home. Within months, I developed a persistent backache that just would not go away.”

The answer came after two visits to a specialist. “My posture had changed because I was constantly at home, either cooking or tending to the home. I developed this habit of slouching in my couch and reading or watching TV. When I had been exercising with my trainer, he had ensured that my posture was perfect.” Shruti went back to functional training, and with proper workouts for her back and core, she does not feel an ache in her back any more.

Set it right

Backaches are rarely very serious, unless a slipped disc or strained spinal column is rendering you immobile. Very often, small corrections in postures and habits go a long way in alleviating back pain.

sleep wellSleep well: Most people with backache complain of stiffness when they wake up in the morning. While a small amount of stiffness if expected after hours of rest, a pain in the back is unacceptable. Your mattress could be the culprit – either too soft to support your spine as you sleep, or too firm to let your muscles rest. If not your mattress, it could be a lingering problem that you may have ignored.

Get help: Flip your mattress to distribute your weight evenly over it. Also, do a simple stretching exercise when you wake up every morning. Some people experience back pain if they don’t sleep enough. If you can, take a couple of days off from work simply to rest your back. If the pain is acute, you will need medical help.

Don’t sleep too much: However, those with back pain would do well to not rest too much in bed. Says Dr Rahul Shringare, orthopaedic surgeon, “Too much bed rest weakens the back further. You should engage yourself in moderate activity like walking, but not run or do gardening.”

Get help: Alternate your periods of rest with periods of activity. Avoid gymming or running that will strain your back. However, do light stretching so that your back gets exercise and does not ‘freeze’.

Exercise: Though some people give themselves a backache by overdoing their exercise routines, it is exercise that can rescue them. However, the workout you do must be approvedback pain by a certified trainer and your doctor, if you’ve consulted one.

Get help: Walking keeps the spine and back in a neutral position, so it’s a good exercise. Yoga also helps alleviate backache. Try ‘sarpasan’ for a strong back – lie down on the floor with your palms placed under your shoulders. Slowly lift your back (without lifting your feet off the ground) keeping your elbows at not more than 60 degrees angle. Hold for three seconds, then release. Repeat laps of 10 and do two sets.

Better posture: Slouching at the computer, suddenly bending to pick up an object off the floor, even coughing while bending over, can give you painful back spasms that take days to heal. Though you will do damage even with a rigid back at all times, you must remember to sit up straight at work or at home, and to avoid putting pressure on the lower back, support your lumbar with a firm pillow when you sit.

Get help: Always bend your knees when you bend over. Keeping the knees locked and your legs straight when bending puts tremendous pressure on your spine. Every once in a while, get up from your seat and stretch, take a short walk around the office. Keep your back as straight as you can without feeling pressure in the lumbar. Your shoulders must be aligned in a straight plane, instead of rounded inwards.

Avoid massaging a sore back: Wrong exercise or a blunt trauma can bruise and inflame your back muscles, causing swelling. Most people wrongly assume that massage creams and oils are to be applied on swollen, painful  areas of the body – these are only to be used on aching parts that are not inflamed or swollen.

Get help: If your back is swollen, apply an ice pack till the swelling goes down. After this, apply heat pads to repair the tender muscles in the painful area. Do not rub with a massage cream, it will only tear the tender muscles and tissue.

Strengthen your abs: It seems strange, but it is true that if your ab core is weak, it will strain your back further. People with strong abs are found to experience less back pain than others.

Get help: Strong abs does not mean a six-pack, but a core that can easily do crunches or flips without spasms. Get a fitness trainer to prescribe exercises for stronger abdominal muscles. Also consider exercises for hamstrings, chest and calves.

– See a specialist: A back pain cannot be treated simply with painkillers and a bit of moderate exercise. If your problem is long-term, you might need to see a specialist.

Get help: Ask your specialist for exercises to do at home or work, and for suggested lifestyle changes. Follow his/her advice to the letter.

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